Created in collaboration with Sophie Amin and Stacey Morgan (AKA Phi : Illuminated) Gamergirls features two identical, sleek, feminine dresses where the wearers are able to compete in a retro-style video game played out on the opposing person’s garment. Connected via bluetooth, each garment houses over 400 individually addressable RGB LED lights. With this "Gamification" project the wearers compete to reach objectives in the game, getting visual feedback from each other’s dresses as objectives are reached. Special visuals will be displayed when the final objective is obtained, immediately notifying the other participant that they have lost. The game is controlled using a Bluetooth LE wireless phone app, incorporated as an accessory.
Each dress contains:
Phi : Illuminated
PHI is a new-media art collective focusing on performance, wearable art, and wearable technology. Interested in the crossroads between art, fashion, and technology, PHI is constantly seeking methods and media that engage and empower cultural participants through technology.
Members Stacey Morgan and Kenzie Housego met while attending the Alberta College of Art and Design, where they both received Bachelor of Fine Art. They began collaborating in 2013 on wearable art pieces featuring bright colourful classic dress forms and accessories that all reacted to sound, touch, movement, or the wearer’s heartbeat. PHI’s third member Sophie Amin joined the collective in 2015 and brings to the team over seven years of experience as an Electronics Technologist as well as a shared passion for leveraging new technological tools to facilitate visual expression and participant engagement. The pieces that PHI has created have housed LEDs, sensors, and microcontrollers that collect and output data about the wearer’s environment, and relationship to others.
Since 2014, PHI has had the opportunity to showcase their performative wearable art/tech collections nationally and internationally, notably at GLOW Fest 2017, Calgary, MakerFaire Bay Area in California, CES New York, CES Las Vegas, Xiamen Fashion Week, China, The Festival of Curiosities in Dublin, Ireland, and at a two-week art residency in Shenzhen, China.
Each dress contains:
- 1 x xadow mainboard (underskirt lighting)
- 510 addressable LEDs (414 on the front panel, 72 on the underskirt, 12 on each shoulder)
- 1 x string of regular (non-addressable) purple LEDs
- 1 x Arduino Mega
- 1 x nRF8001 Bluefruit LE Breakout
- 3 x 5100mAh lithium batteries
- 2 x 2200mAh lithium batteries
Phi : Illuminated
PHI is a new-media art collective focusing on performance, wearable art, and wearable technology. Interested in the crossroads between art, fashion, and technology, PHI is constantly seeking methods and media that engage and empower cultural participants through technology.
Members Stacey Morgan and Kenzie Housego met while attending the Alberta College of Art and Design, where they both received Bachelor of Fine Art. They began collaborating in 2013 on wearable art pieces featuring bright colourful classic dress forms and accessories that all reacted to sound, touch, movement, or the wearer’s heartbeat. PHI’s third member Sophie Amin joined the collective in 2015 and brings to the team over seven years of experience as an Electronics Technologist as well as a shared passion for leveraging new technological tools to facilitate visual expression and participant engagement. The pieces that PHI has created have housed LEDs, sensors, and microcontrollers that collect and output data about the wearer’s environment, and relationship to others.
Since 2014, PHI has had the opportunity to showcase their performative wearable art/tech collections nationally and internationally, notably at GLOW Fest 2017, Calgary, MakerFaire Bay Area in California, CES New York, CES Las Vegas, Xiamen Fashion Week, China, The Festival of Curiosities in Dublin, Ireland, and at a two-week art residency in Shenzhen, China.